Our commitment to seamless buying and selling has made us one of the largest retailers of used cars in Rostock. As a used car exporter, we aim to support the German automotive industry. For years, we've been optimizing the car buying and selling experience - from a stressful, dreaded event to an honest, straightforward experience that all the people of our city deserve.
Today, our customers have the opportunity to buy completely according to their needs. Combine our flexibility and experience when buying or selling your private vehicle. We strive to optimize the experience around car purchase or sale, so you will love it.
- Our customers
- Customer communication
- Our Staff
- Sustainable planning and action
- Inclusion and diversity
- Qualität der angebotenen Fahrzeuge
- Ehrliche und transparente Geschäftspraktiken
- Zufriedenstellende Lösungen für unsere Kunden
- Weiterentwicklung und Fortbildung unserer Mitarbeiter
- Umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Geschäftspraktiken
- Einbeziehung verschiedener Perspektiven und Meinungen
- Förderung einer offenen und inkludierenden Arbeitsumgebung
- Unterstützung der lokalen Gemeinschaft und Wirtschaft.
in Rostock
in Rostock
Rated Vehicles
Sold Cars
Cars Bought
Regardless of the brand, mileage, or condition, we want your car.
We check your car and a test drive.
Go with payment in hand or take a few days to review your offer yourself.